I am so excited..... my friend Jennifer at http://thedemeterdiaries.blogspot.com/
a female Leonardo Da Vinci for the 21rst century: artist, architect, mother, freelance writer, and now gourmet pig farmer ( $75 a pound pork) is willing to help me with my windowless wonder at the lake.
A couple of detail shots....
My absolute least favorite thing about this house... Go ahead look a little closer, you can see it. Where is the top of the window?
All I want is a little bit of space above the window, two runs of bricks would be enough. A mere 8" to 10" and then the roof line
would make me so happy.
Another design flaw is the lack of windows on the front facade. Adding additional windows is going to be an issue. Everything to the right of the front door is either bathroom or closet.
One teeny tiny 20" wide window graces this side of the house complemented by the dead shrubbery.
Wish me luck on this project.